April Davis of Haus of Vagina, a sex and menstrual educator, is BACK to tell us everything we
need to know (but definitely don’t) about vaginas, periods, and birth.
In this episode, April covers:
- Labiaplasty - what’s the deal, why people get them, what the potential side effects are, and questions to ask if you’re considering getting one
- What happens to your vagina after you give birth
- Postpartum sex and why it’s not as scary or bad as they say it will be
- Questions to ask your OB or gynecologist
- The importance of caring for your pelvic floor
- How cycle syncing (aka living your life according to which part of the menstrual cycle you’re in) will help you fall in lovewith your period and life in general
- How to cycle sync if you have an IUD
- Rethinking the language we use when talking about sex and vaginas
Honeydew Me Merch:
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